K.D. Feddersen Plastics Machinery AB

K.D. Feddersen Plastics Machinery AB

About us

We are your trusted partner for advanced engineering plastic compounds. With extensive experience in high-demand applications, we deliver innovative solutions tailored to your needs. Discover the difference with AKRO Plastic!

K.D. Feddersen Plastics Machinery AB


Job Ads

Servicetekniker i Danmark

The Job: With a branch office in Vejle, the task is to service customers in the injection molding market throughout Denmark.

As you will be our first service technician in Denmark, you must be able to work independently, but you will of course receive professional support and training through the rest of the Nordic organization, which is primarily based in Sweden, where you have 10 skilled colleagues.

You will report to the Business Manager Service & Installation, Håkan Knutsson, who is also based in Sweden. There will also be external training with K.D. Feddersen’s suppliers in Europe. At the office in Vejle, you will be a colleague with our sales representative in the recycling area.

Read more and apply here: https://www.linkedin.com/hiring/jobs/4091597221/detail/

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